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Improving Productivity Through Management Services


How to motivate and get the best out of your people is one of your most important functions as a good manager. It is an objective of an organization to have a group of employees who can work productively and in the best quality of the company's products and services.  


It is a fact that one of the many facets of a corporation is the time and attendance of its workforce that would greatly affect the productivity of the organization. Any organization has to have a system wherein it can monitor the arrival of employees on the time agreed and that they are working efficiently for the hours they are paid.


A time clock machine was used in the past to record the in and out of a personnel in the company's area. With this system, the worker punched his time car into the time clock whenever he goes in and out of the premise, and the payroll for the day was based on the tabulation on the time card. However, with the advancement in technology, available now are digital time clocks that would take over the old way. This digital system uses a swipe car, pin number or biometric date (like retinal scan or fingerprints) that would identify workers when they timed in and add their time to the time & attendance systems. With the new digital system, the employees use a swipe card, pin number of biometric data like scanning the retina or fingerprints, and the information will be added to their time data. There is an accurate tally and total of the time and payroll since this is now automatic. 


If you choose a time clock, it is better to use a biometric time clock over an ordinary time clock since your employee cannot have another person sign on his behalf. Improving honesty among employees in using the clock machine can also be done by putting a CCTV in the area.


With the advancement in technology, the time to complete the daily, weekly and monthly attendance in an operation using a group of staff to do the job, is eliminated. Both accuracy and efficiency are provided with the modern technology in the attendance system, plus the system can provide data quickly to other departments in need of the information. Know more facts about management services at


The essence of biometrics data management system is based on face-recognition, meaning the machine can capture the facial features of the person. With the collected data base in the computer, when the worker would come back to the premise, the machine will make a comparison of the collected data and the new one then notifies if there is a match or not.


The whole biometric face-recognition system is easy to install and has a very low maintenance cost, which is worth the investment to improve your company's system.


There are some reasons to justify the importance and use of face recognition attendance system in your company. One is you do not have to worry about managing lots of papers that will put you in big trouble if you lose even a single sheet of information.


The accuracy of biometric time attendance system is unquestionable since the face recognition time attendance system is incorporated in a digital clock that measures the time electronically, thus employees cannot change the time of the clock.

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